Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journal: p.127 SEEING #1

Busch's wrote a magnificent essay dove into the value we as humans give to certain items. Somethings we see as amazing others may find as trash, many say "one mans trash is another mans treasure". Sometimes it is the stories behind an item that give it its value, for example you see an umbrella, to me and you it's regular, now let's say John F. Kennedy used the umbrella, now its allure and value change dramatically. Not only can the story behind something add to its value, but then again look at the sentimental value people attach to certain things...that can change everything. We both can own a blue shirt, but to me it could be my favorite blue shirt, if you lost your shirt you'd be okay with it and probably buy another, but me on the other hand I'd be hurt, crushed, and pain-stricken. For me one of my most sentimental things I hold dear, are not material things but things my close friends have given me. A doodle from one of my best friends in my hometown, the pamphlet from my great grandmothers funeral, and a ring on a string necklace from the first girl I ever fell in love with. The type of things you can't replace or duplicate are the ones I hold dear. I feel like Busch covers most collective relationships, except for things on a material level, like when sneakers are over 300 dollars and my friends look at me like why is this? Then I have to tell them on the history of the shoe, when it came out, how many were made, and it brings me back to the core of this essay...the story behind our every day things.

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